Swathi Muthinti
Brighter Mind Facilitator and Heartfulness Trainer (besides a IC Chip Designer for worlds leading technology companies, M.S. in Electronics), and Heartfulness meditator since teens

Prasanna Banu
Brighter Mind Facilitator, Children Montessori Teacher and Heartfulness meditator since teens (beside B.Tech In Electronics and Communications and M.S. in Compute Sciences from USA)

Sunil Kanojia
Brighter Mind Facilitator, Heartfulness Coach, YTT200 AyurYoga and Ayurvedic Practioner trained by Dr. Vasant D Lad, The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque NM. (besides, B.E. Electrical, M.B.A., PMP etc.)
Program Offered
8 Weeks | 30 Hours | 9 sessions | Ages 5-15
Alpha, our foundational program, is a perfectly balanced sequence of mental, physicaland spiritual activities designed to strengthen the innate connection between the two hemispheres of the brain for 5 to 15 year olds. By unlocking one's natural capacity for observation and intuition at a stage of development where the brain is highly mouldable, the program equips the child to engage the full spectrum of their cognitive abilities.
The Alpha program is an 8-week program. The first two introductory sessions of 4.5 hours each are conducted on two consecutive days, preferably on weekends. The 7 follow up sessions of 3 hours each are conducted once a week.
The Alpha program is a total of 30 hours and will require an 8-week commitment on the part of children enrolled in this program.
- Feb'25 (See Below) Sundays Evening EST
- 10 days residential Summer 2025
Alpha Plus
6 Weeks | 20 Hours | 6 sessions | Ages 7-15
Alpha Plus introduces participants to a more complex level of brain exercises, music and video content to build on the progress already made in the foundation program. It equips participants with 6 memory techniques that make organisation of information and, therefore, recall sharper. The program uses a combination of relaxation techniques and activities that challenge the brain to think in different perspectives. This is followed by specifically designed creative sessions, where participants work through all the acquired techniques, exercising their creative potential.
A six-week module for those who have alreadybenefitted from the foundational Alpha Program.
- Feb'25 (See Below) Sundays Evening EST
- 10 days residential Summer 2025
5 Weeks | 15 Hours | 5 sessions | Ages 35+
The human brain is an incredible organ with a limitless capacity to learn but age has a way of catching up with it! Designed for those above the age of 35, RESTART is a 30-day activity-based program for the fitness of the mind for a lifetime of fulfilment. It consists of a scientifically planned exploration of exercise, nutrition, sleep, novelty, challenge, creativity and meditation.
Just like any muscle in our body, the brain needs exercise to stay fit. The brain prioritises: neural pathways that are used more get stronger and those that lie dormant get purged. Another important cranial principle is that neurons that fire together, wire together.
Brighter Minds RESTART is designed to fight age-related brain fatigue with activities that exercise neural pathways.
As we grow older, the cognitive reserve or the brain’s ability to learn and retain skills related to memory, conceptual thinking, problem-solving, pattern recognition, visualisation, language, attention, perception and the like may diminish.
Research shows that the key to fighting age-related cognitive decline is good health — of the mind, spirit and body. RESTART addresses each of these aspects of our life to set the foundation for our golden years.
- Feb'25 (See Below) Fridays Evening EST

Please click to fill the form for our programs
Brighter Minds Information Sessions
1. ALPHA/+ @ 5:30 PM EST 19-Jan'2025 (Parents) - https://tinyurl.com/Why-BMinds-KIds
2. RESTART @ 4:30 PM EST 19-Jan'2025 - https://tinyurl.com/Why-BMinds-ReSTART-at35
Brighter Minds Cources
Feb'25 Online and/or in-person AlphaPLUS session near PA 19087/VT 05452 [or if you like one online for your child/children]
BrighterMinds Alpha Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/BMinds-KIds
Feb'25 for 35+ adults ReStart
BrighterMinds ReSTART Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/BMinds-ReSTART-at35