Gurukulam: Mentor-Mentee

(ancient-traditional way of learning) for Svadhyays (from the Niyamas)

Svadhyaya is a Sanskrit word that means "self-study" or "self-inquiry". It's a practice of introspection and self-reflection that involves studying sacred texts and oneself. What does it mean?

  • Svadhyaya is a Niyama, or ethical guideline, in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. 
  • It's a way to deepen your understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. 
  • It's a way to foster personal growth and spiritual awakening. 

How do you practice svadhyaya?

  • You can study sacred texts, such as the Vedas. 
  • You can practice japa, which is repeating mantras that you've been given by a teacher. 
  • You can contemplate the guidance from your teacher or the teachings in sacred texts. 
  • You can reflect on your experiences, such as your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 
  • You can read inspirational books, such as religious, spiritual, or pop psychology books. 
  • You can spend time meditating. 

What does the word mean? 

  • The word is made up of sva, which means "own", "self", or "the human soul".
  • The word is made up of adhyaya, which means "lesson", "lecture", or "reading".

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